Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Blog - A Poem by Melody Montgomery - Notes from Wonderland

I am figuring this out so I will start with a poem I wrote a while back....

Notes From Wonderland (Author’s Proof – American Poets - Melody Montgomery)

Whispered talk of she who hid under the wind
when Time stood still beneath lightning nights

nowhere in that windy city did she let them be
as children again, silently spinning

a screaming delight on this teeter totter
Bee’s knees, creak to the breeze on a high

wooden swing in all that simmering
With fervently gold-winged dragonflies

They could sleep
And never recall any flicker of sky

Or why or never or forever or however
There in all hues of cadmium sunsets

Ashes and trill. Sad sky she asked
Why is it here to have as has always

To be as now and then with never a forever
But with the wind and moon too busy as they tie the tide

With gossamer twine it is left for the breeze to reply
In this atmosphere of vapor

above time. I carry no cumbers
of inclemency as memories

are effaced as stones from the sea
the wind and gravity

written by melody montgomery

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Melody, for opening up your journal and your life and sharing with the human race. I am touched by your poem. Lead on.
