Monday, August 20, 2012


To try to follow the Om and Sage -
My violin knows the language
And is teaching me.
She is nameless.

I’ve been feeding a grey stray cat
Because its bones protrude.
I’ve named it Gazpacho.

I do not yet know my violin’s name.
She may not know my name
But we trust each other.

The naming of a violin is a difficult matter.
Today, she will be Isobel
Not a lover, but mother or daughter.
We’ve always had a platonic affair

It’s been suggested I try sleeping with her –
They don’t know
She has a rattle snake rattle inside.
Better that she watch from the wall
echoes and reverberates.

I hold her by my hand.
She holds a pleasant conversation.
But unexpected screeches at times –
She’s very sensitive.

I am true red fiddle woman of the high plains
Dancing in conversation

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Missouri Wind

(A poem in progress)

This city's pressing heavy  - blocking out the sky
The waters from my homeland run by here.
I’m like a bird flown from the nest
lost on the wind.

The waters from my birthplace rush through the states
Picking up and filtering chemicals.
The mountain springs and snow runs off
Runs through me - out through my eyes
Feathering here.
Will the sun to shine kinder on me tomorrow?
Will the rains come to wash it away?
Casting off the cloak of the sun.

I miss the smell of sage in the morning
And the stars like diamonds rolling
Running my fingers through the wind
The smell of the air
Their spirits are on the wind
And I’m down in this city
Surrounded by beveled glass and hard wood floors
 And all the material objects I adore

So this longing could be anywhere
The Missouri binds me here